The Homing Process

If you are interested in adopting one of our greyhounds, please do get in touch to arrange an appointment.
Joy will have a bit of a chat with you to find out something about you and your lifestyle - whether you have children, how old they are, whether you work full-time, part-time, whether you have other pets, are an experienced or a novice dog owner etc.
A dog to suit you
We know all our dogs very well, and can therefore introduce you to 2 or 3 who we think would suit you. Introducing you to all of our residents (some 30 dogs) will either leave you wanting to take them all home with you, or thoroughly confused!
You are welcome to come back to the kennels as often as you like in order to decide which particular dog you would like to adopt.
Having made your choice, we will then arrange a convenenient day for a HomeCheck. Please don't be anxious about this - it's for your benefit as much as for the dog!
We need to make sure that your home is a safe environment for a greyhound - for example:
- Your garden needs to be secure - no gaps in the fences.
- If you have patio doors you need to make sure that your dog can't attempt to get outside through a sheet of plate glass (this might mean re-arranging your furniture for awhile).
- If you have laminated floors, you may need to invest in a few rugs - you may otherwise find your dog flatly refuses to walk on the slippery wooden surface.
Once we've established that your home is suitable, you can come and collect your dog and his adoption papers. There is no adoption fee, though we do ask you to make a donation which goes towards the cost of neutering and vaccinating our greyhounds.
We are always very happy to give you any help or advice - if you have any problems at all during those first few weeks, please don't hesitate to contact us.